Getting Better Florida Mortgage Rates

Those who took out a mortgage when rates were substantially higher should investigate their current options, not that mortgage rates in Florida have dropped dramatically. Because of these lower mortgage rates, Florid homeowners can lower their monthly payments. Florida mortgage today have dropped under 5%, which is lower than they have been in years. This may be your best chance to get an ideal Florida refinance mortgage rate at a historic low.


Florida mortgages are currently running between 2.9 and 4.75 percent. These Florida refinance mortgage depend on several factors, including the nature of the loan, the terms, length, and of course, your excellent credit score.

The first decision you will need to make will be to choose between a fixed-rate or an adjustable-rate Florida mortgage. The latter, also known as an ARM, has initially lower mortgages. Florida homeowners who plan to sell their house within five years may benefit from this option. On the other hand, those who are planning to stay in the home for longer than that should choose a fixed rate loan with stable mortgage rates. Florida realtors can advise you as to which option is more appropriate. Keep in mind that with an ARM, Florida mortgage rates usually rise considerably after the first five years, so a fixed-rate Florida mortgage is a better choice for more home buyers.

Paying Off Unsecured Debt

Another option is a home equity loan. If you have been living in your house for several years, chances are you've built up equity that you can draw on; currently the Florida refinance mortgage is very attractive. IN fact, mortgages in Florida have not been this low in a generation. With an equity loan, you can use the money to pay off unsecured debt as well as make home improvements - or anything else you want to use it for.

Check It Out Today

It's a good bet that florida mortgage rates will not stay this low forever. Florida realtors are waiting to hear from you; now is an excellent time to call your local realty office today and find out more about how you can get a lower payment, pull cash out of your home and otherwise benefit from today's low rates.

Susan Slobac writes about--Florida Mortgage Rates
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