Florida Mortgages 101

Do you want to know how mortgages in Florida work but do not know where to start? Do all those numbers and terms make your head spin? Then here are some basic information on mortgages to help you understand the process and what it entails. Remember that informed choices can get you the best in today's chaotic marketplace.

Mortgage rates

First off, you need to know how the banks and brokers in Florida determine a rate. This can be simplified by understanding the "Three C's equals Rate and LTV (Loan to Value)" equation.

The Three C's are:

Collateral. These are assets (a house, in the case of mortgages) pledged by a borrower to the lender. This is subject to seizure if the loan is not paid according to terms.

Capacity. This is the ability of the borrower to repay a debt that is determined by employment, income, credit history, and the like.

Credit. This is the borrower's borrowing capacity.

If your property or collateral is of great value, if you have good credit rating, and if you have the capability to pay, then securing a mortgage loan will not be a problem and you can look into being approved easily enough. If one of the three C's is questionable, then you will have to be subjected for approval.

Certain adjustments will be made and more conditions will be set, such as getting interest bumps. If more than two of your three C's are questionable, then you may have to get less than what you have bargained for.

Mortgage fees

You have to take note of the fees that you are required to pay when getting a mortgage. These are underwriting fees, broker fees, some insurance and title fees, and closing fees. You have to watch out for paying the broker's fees, though. If it exceeds over 1 percent of the loan amount, then that is already questionable. Be sure to be informed about the rates and how much of it is going to the broker and to the bank before proceeding. This is very critical in a mortgage transaction.

Florida Mortgages provides detailed information on Florida Mortgages, Florida Home Mortgages, Florida Interest Only Mortgages, Florida Mortgage Brokers and more. Florida Mortgages is affiliated with Florida Mortgage Interest Rates.
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