5 Facts How The Reverse Mortgage Lending Is Changing

The need for a new office and new rules comes from the fact, that this industry includes a lot of scam artists, which do not follow any good practices. They utilize the fact, that the reverse loans are complicated products and many seniors do not understand, what they sign.

1. What Is The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

It is a Federal Agency, which operates under Dodd-Frank and works against the predatory practices and other abuses in the reverse mortgage industry. Earlier these tasks were split between seven different agencies. The main focus is to protect senior people from the predatory practices by the rulemaking and enforcement authority in the banking and security industries, where the senior people have lost their homes.

2. What IsThe Office Of Older Americans?

That will be formed by the end of January 2012. The target is to focus on the financial products and the deceptive practices, which concern the older Americans. The office will develop, implement and evaluate the programs of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

3. The Study Will Be Done.

The Office Of Older Americans will conduct a study about the reverse mortgage lending before july 21 2012. The study tries to identify all unfair practices in the origination of the reverse mortgage lending to protect borrower seniors. It also tries to find out, whether the financial product fits to the circumstances of the seniors.

4. The Results Of The Study.

The study may lead to the new legislation and the removal of many unfair practices, which will be found out. It may touch practices, when the reverse mortgage fits to a senior. It may also touch the cases, when the reverse loan funding is used for the investments. Th earliest time, when the new rules will be effective is late 2012, which means, that the lenders have a lot of time for comments and for the change of their practices.

5. This All Will Improve The Image Of The Industry.

The fact is, that the reverse mortgage industry still include scam artists, whos only target is to milk the seniors. The new legislation and the study will improve the marketing circumstances a lot, which will strenghten the brand image of the reverse mortgage industry.

The reverse loans are financial products, which include a lot of alternatives and details, which make the understanding difficult. The new legislation will help seniors, because new things will be conducted by the law. The products become safer. However, it is sure, that the industry will develop new approaches, which again require new legislation.
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