Florida Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates in any market typically vary weekly or even daily. For the month of October 2005, interest rates for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged slightly below six percent, which is comparable to the national average for the same period. Average interest rates for a one-year adjustable rate mortgage were slightly below four percent.

There are several factors that may affect your mortgage rate. In general, the more you borrow and the longer the term, the higher the rate. If you have a good credit history, a monthly income greatly in excess of your expected monthly payment, and are able to make a larger down payment, these factors can all drive the rate on your mortgage down. Rates on adjustable rate mortgages increase or decrease as interest rates increase or decrease, respectively. Your mortgage broker's points can also affect your rate. Points are basically broker's fees, with one point being equivalent to one percentage point of the total value of the loan. If a broker is paid more points upfront, in general, you will pay less interest for the life of the loan.

It is a good idea to clarify exactly how brokerage fees are structured. Closing costs are paid by the lender and built into the mortgage in the form of higher interest rates. You should find out what rate reductions may apply if you pay some or all of the closing costs upfront.

Trends in the yield of the 10-year Treasury note are usually a good predictor for rates of 30-year fixed rate mortgages, because most 30-year fixed rate mortgages end up being paid off or refinanced in about 10 years and are therefore somewhat similar to the 10-year note.

Florida Mortgages provides detailed information about Florida mortgages, Florida interest only mortgages, Florida mortgage brokers and more. Florida Mortgages is affiliated with Florida Refinance Mortgage Loans.
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